ISO, BSI, UVDB and regulatory assistance
TSM can...
TSM can...
Achilles UVDB Verify is used as the principal Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) by 18 of 23 Water Companies in the UK. Many have invoked a go/no-go score of 85%
In total it is used by 60 Companies many who partner in the Water Utility market
To not have Achilles UVDB Verify excludes companies from the UK Water Company Market.
Experts in Achilles UVDB audits and audit process TSM.UK can support your SHEQ team in;
Audit preparation.
Evidence collation
Audit delivery
Pre audit compliance
Policies and procedures
Reduction in paper work and bureaucracy
Executive coaching on Water Industry Tender Process.
Gap analysis and strategic planning.
A successful result.
Contact us for more information